Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Lagos is responsible for internal quality assurance system. An internal Quality Assurance system (IQA), is a system aiming at setting up, maintaining and improving the quality and standard of teaching, scholarship (student learning experience), research and service to community. The overall objective of the Quality Assurance system is to continuously promote and improve the quality of the core activities and the institution as a whole.

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The Internal Quality Assurance System Operates through the following:

A. Internal Quality Assurance Policy – This deals with Strategy, procedures, standards, organization, responsibilities, implementation, monitoring and revision.

B. Monitoring System – This involves the collection of structured information about the quality of core activities of teaching and learning, research and community service using the following monitoring instruments:

Monitoring of Lectures; Monitoring of Examinations; Monitoring of Research Performance and Research outputs; no of publications; Grants to staff; Citation indexes; Impact factors

C. Periodic Review or Evaluation – Provision of formal mechanisms for periodic review or evaluation of the quality of core activities of programmes and degrees, research activities and community service for the following: Students Evaluation, Lecturers Evaluation, Course and Curriculum Evaluation, Research Evaluation, Community Service Evaluation

D. Specific Quality Assurance Processes includeQuality assurance of the; Students’ Assessments, Staff, Lecture Halls, Libraries, Laboratories, Accommodation, Sports, commodity, Facilities, Students Support.

E. Quality Assurance Handbook this documents all regulations, processes, and procedures concerning quality assurance in the institution.

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